Erdoğan'dan Zuckerberg'e teşekkür

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Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan da Facebook sayfasından İngilizce olarak paylaşımda bulundu. Erdoğan, İngilizce yaptığı paylaşımda Zuckerberg'in mesajlarını değerli bulduğunu söyleyerek, "Müslüman terörist olamaz" dedi.


"As I always express on different platforms, Islam is a religion of peace. Murderous networks that abuse Islam for their self-serving goals are massacring innocent people every day, particularly Muslims. These shady structures, called Daesh, Al Qaida, Boko Haram, Al Shabaab are pawns, serving plots against the Islamic world. A terrorist cannot be a Muslim. A Muslim cannot be a terrorist. I would like to express that I highly value Mark Zuckerberg's message for pointing out the profound difference between Islam and terrorism since these two concepts are often mentioned in the same breath these days."

Kaynak : Haber7